About The Project
At our heart is an inexorable passion to act out our care, love and compassion through supporting every little child left vulnerable by poverty as well as empowering each marginalized or abused girl child and woman.
Since 2014 as a church-based youth group, we’ve been giving little children and women the opportunity to escape the fear of suffering those results from poverty through our approach that is highly focused on the model of one child and woman at a time in fighting poverty.
Based on the increasing number of beneficiaries and persons who desire to be on supported by BOF-Uganda Vs our limited resource envelop due to limited sponsorships at the moment, the Board and management agreed to startup 1 other project which will help our children and the grandchildren of our seniors (Elderly persons under our care) have quality education at a fair cost and this will support the organization in meeting her mission and vision and thus Kitiibwa Christian schools.
Chief Executive Director's story
Ronald is a Gender and Development scholar, Leadership Development specialist with over 16 years of experience in areas of coordinating, Mobilization, child Advocacy, mentorship and coaching, project planning and management, Community organization and engagements, plan and budgeting, mindset change among others, Ronald gives leadership Management for strategic direction towards the work of Beta Outcome Foundation in Uganda.
He is driven by his passion for making genuine and lasting change to the lives of people living under poverty in Uganda. His service as an advocate; caring, protecting and giving hope to the “Neediest of the needy”, he has gone a long way in transforming the lives of people and creating visible success in the communities served by Beta Outcome Foundation and beyond.
His achievements range from providing home visits, meeting basic needs, counseling and guidance, teaching as well as coaching of beneficiaries among others. In his capacity as a development worker, he has been able to translate his personal and professional experience in community mobilization, community management, advocacy and lobbying, rural development and leadership principles into the projects in line within international and national frameworks, laws and regulations to ensure that relief and support is given to these people.
This undivided passion to serve poor communities with emphasis on women and children was drawn from the hardships he experienced during his childhood, after losing his biological father who experienced sudden death in 1995.
Being rejected by his relatives at an early age and thrown out of their home to the streets with 4 siblings and his jobless mother to take care of, he had to hustle with child labor to support his mother and 4 siblings that were left desperate for need with no one to assist. Ronald left hopeless, as he used to sell greens and banana leaves in Lugazi suburb after school to support his mother who was a peasant and entirely depended on small-scale farming on railway land and abandoned road spaces to feed and raise them.
This horrible experience left him a pledge that if he ever had change to dive out of the excessive poverty and traumatic experiences, he would genuinely extend the required assistance to children and families that experienced the same poverty cycle and trauma. His long-awaited mourning call was answered when a charity organization responded to him and turned around his life by offering him the opportunity to further his studies. He also volunteered with organizations to support his basic needs and other scholastic materials.
The tragedy he went through was transformed by him into assisting families that went through the same hustle to achieve their visions and dreams in life.
According to his pledge, he fulfilled this by sharing his vision to a committed team of friends that later gave birth to Beta Outcome Foundation Uganda to free women and children from the grievous cycles of poverty that affect their development through promoting a poverty free life with successful children and honorable women.
A poverty free life to him means good hope, joy and protection to the poor and homeless with ability to sustain livelihoods through holistic development.
He urges everyone to take a stand and lend a hand with one heart.
Empowerment for the challenges of life’s journey
To empower students through innovative learning, and engagement with their faith to love God and love others.
Core Values
- We are from His Image (Image of God)
So, God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them.” – Genesis 1:27
Our strong fundamental difference starts here at Kitiibwa Christian Schools, we believe children are created in the image of God. This means they are valuable not for what they can do, but for who (and Whose) they are. This also means they have eternal significance.
- God’s word the BIBLE
The Bible has much to say about wise men and foolish men. They both build houses on different foundations and these houses look remarkably similar until the wind begins blowing. The harder the wind blows, the more obvious the foundations become. At Kitiibwa Christian schools, we believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and all we are building will be built on that One True Foundation.
- Christian classical education /Christ centered Education
By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” – Proverbs 24:3-4
Kitiibwa Christian Schools holds that all truth is God’s truth. We seek to integrate all subjects with historical Christianity and the teachings of the Scriptures in ways that are natural and not contrived. Our intent is to assist our students and their families by providing a clear model of the Biblical Christian life and worldview and to encourage every child to develop a genuine and meaningful relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ.
Kitiibwa Christian Schools aims first to bring glory to God. As we learn, teach, guide and mentor, we seek to worship the Lord, and follow the example and teachings of Jesus: to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind… [and] Love your neighbor as yourself.” Our Christ-centered approach in the classroom begins with staff members who are committed to a personal relationship with Jesus. These educators invite learners to explore and more fully understand the world God has made, offering insight, wisdom, and godly truth that enables students to see that, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” (Psalm 24:1)
- School, Child and the family (3 in one approach)
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
This is a direct promise from God to parents and families. One of the greatest distinctives of Kitiibwa Christian School is our family involvement. children families are always welcome in our school. We want them to know the teachers, the students, and the administration. We exist to assist and enhance homes and thus the spirit of “Ubuntu”
- Servant leadership through service
“Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” – Mark 10:43-45
Jesus Christ came to serve. He lived a humble life and died a martyr’s death. He constantly put others before Himself. At Kitiibwa Christian Schools, we are committed to train our students to be like Christ through serving others. We believe this is an integral part of our education process. We provide support and encouragement for the poor, sick, orphaned, and elderly. All of these activities are more than moral duties. They are reflections of God’s love.
- The statement of Faith
The sole basis of our beliefs is the Bible, God’s infallible written Word, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. We believe that it was uniquely, verbally, and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, and that it was written without error (inerrant) in the original manuscripts. It is the supreme and final authority in all matters on which it speaks.
- There is one true God, eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – each of whom possesses equally all the attributes of Deity and the characteristics of personality.
- Jesus Christ is God, the living Word, who became flesh through His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and His virgin birth. Hence, He is perfect Deity and true humanity united in one person forever.
- He lived a sinless life and voluntarily atoned for the sins of men by dying on the cross as their substitute, thus satisfying divine justice and accomplishing salvation for all who trust in Him alone.
- He rose from the dead in the same body, though glorified, in which He lived and died.
- He ascended bodily into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Father, where He, the only mediator between God and man, continually makes intercession for His own.
- Man was originally created in the image of God. He sinned by disobeying God; thus, he was alienated from his Creator. That historic fall brought all mankind under divine condemnation.
- Man’s nature is corrupted, and he is thus totally unable to please God. Every man is in need of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
- The salvation of man is wholly a work of God’s free grace and is not the work, in whole or in part, of human works or goodness or religious ceremony. God imputes His righteousness to those who put their faith in Christ alone for their salvation, and thereby justified them in His sight.
- It is the privilege of all who are born again of the Spirit to be assured of their salvation from the very moment in which they trust Christ as their Savior. This assurance is not based upon any kind of human merit, but is produced by the witness of the Holy Spirit, who confirms in the believer the testimony of God in His written word.
- The Holy Spirit has come into the world to reveal and glorify Christ and to apply the saving work of Christ to men. He convicts and draws sinners to Christ, imparts new life to them, continually indwells them from the moment of spiritual birth and seals them until the day of redemption. His fullness, power and control are appropriated in the believer’s life by faith.
- Every believer is called to live so in the power of the indwelling Spirit that he will not fulfill the lust of the flesh but will bear fruit to the glory of God.
- Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, His Body, which is composed of all men, living and dead, who have been joined to Him through saving faith.
- At physical death the believer enters immediately into eternal, conscious fellowship with the Lord and awaits the resurrection of his body to everlasting glory and blessing.
- At physical death the unbeliever enters immediately into eternal, conscious separation from the Lord and awaits the resurrection of his body to everlasting judgment and condemnation.
- Jesus Christ will come again to the earth – personally, visibly and bodily – to consummate history and the eternal plan of God.
- The Lord Jesus Christ commanded all believers to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world and to disciple men of every nation. The fulfillment of that Great Commission requires that all worldly and personal ambitions be subordinated to a total commitment to “Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.”